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Philadelphia Lead Certification Pointers

1. Mandatory Certification: In Philadelphia, landlords are required to obtain a Lead Safe Certification for rental properties built before 1978. This certification is mandatory to ensure the safety of tenants, especially children, who are more vulnerable to lead exposure.

2. Lead Inspection Requirement: Before obtaining certification, landlords must schedule a lead inspection conducted by a certified lead inspector. The inspection covers various areas, including paint, soil, and water, to identify potential lead hazards.

3. Compliance with HUD Standards: The lead inspection and abatement activities must comply with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) standards. Ensuring adherence to these standards is crucial for obtaining and maintaining lead safe certification.

4. Renewal Period: Lead Safe Certification in Philadelphia is valid for a specific period, typically two years. Landlords need to renew their certification within the specified timeframe to ensure ongoing compliance with lead safety regulations.

5. Child Occupancy Requirements: Properties with children under six years old are subject to more stringent lead safety standards. Landlords must take additional precautions and follow specific guidelines to obtain and maintain lead safe certification for such properties.

6. Abatement Requirements: If lead hazards are identified during the inspection, landlords are responsible for addressing and abating those hazards. This may involve removing or covering lead-based paint, ensuring safe soil conditions, and mitigating other identified risks.

7. Certified Lead Abatement Contractors: When addressing lead hazards, landlords must hire certified lead abatement contractors. These professionals have the expertise and training to safely and effectively eliminate lead hazards from the property.

8. Documentation and Recordkeeping: Landlords should maintain detailed documentation of the lead inspection and abatement activities. This includes keeping records of inspection reports, abatement work, and any communication with certified professionals. Proper recordkeeping is essential for the certification process.

9. City Assistance Programs: Philadelphia may have assistance programs or grants available to help landlords cover the costs of lead abatement activities. Landlords should explore these programs to ensure compliance with lead safety regulations without undue financial burden.

10. Educational Requirements: Landlords may be required to complete lead-safe work practices training to obtain certification. This training equips them with the knowledge and skills needed to prevent lead exposure and maintain a safe living environment for tenants.

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